Don't you think before the aspect of a religion, Humanity is the core that Allah SWT wanted to instill on mankind?
Why do you need to have a Hadith on doing humanity towards Mankind in order to be saved? Allah's message is so clear to all of us. It is not only to Dakwah but to deliver our action via faith in Allah SWT messages to us. The result of a religion is the kind of people we behave and are in the society or nation. Thus, visiting non-muslims during sickness is a highly respectable action out of love for mankind.
Only thru these, without even preaching Islam via Dakwah, you get to see Non-Muslims love the Muslims better. This is the approach towards touching the lives of many.
The Christians have always gone out with clear messages to serve mankind. You will be surprised how they touch many lives through actions, thus without preaching they "think" they saved many who accepted Christianity.
Why not we Muslims start doing these?
I read in the papers that the HIV sufferers in Malaysia who are Muslims are being given shelter by Catholic Churches. They are taken care of, for food, welfare and shelter. It was in Kosmo paper. And a Muslim reporter was asking where is our Muslim values towards mankind in such issues here in Malaysia?
It was sad to know that the HIV Muslim patients are getting care and attention from Non-Muslims themselves. And here we are judging these HIV patients who deserve love and the touch of true Muslim Spirit. Who are we to judge these patients?
There is a lot to be done to achieve a "Loving Muslim" in our very own country.... Let us practice the ‘Radical Humanity’…..
0 K.O.M.E.N.:
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